Presentations and Authors

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Smart Economic Development

The new “Silk Road”: global aspect, EU position and economic role of Serbia PDF
Filip Ž. Bugarčić, Daiva Jurevičienė, Nenad Janković

Business Technologies and Sustainable Entrepreneurship

Methodology for calculating adverse health effects in Latvia PDF
Mihails Urbans, Jeļena Malahova, Vladimirs Jemeļjanovs

Contemporary Business Management: Challenges and Opportunities

The level of use of public relations tools and evaluation of their impact on the reputation of chemical companies from the perspective of the Czech public PDF
Martina Jelinkova, Hana Lostakova, Katerina Machackova

Actual Legal Issues for Business, Economics and Management

Possible options for ensuring of tax compliance PDF
Māris Jurušs, Baiba Šmite-Roķe, Daiga Zēna-Zēmane, Monta Celmiņa, Egita Pole