International Scientific Conference „Business and Management“, 10th International Scientific Conference „Business and Management 2018“

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Financial conglomerate identification by financial markets regulators: case of developed and emerging market economies
Natalia Kuznetsova, Zhanna Pisarenko, Liudmila Lobanova

Last modified: 2018-09-17


The paper examines financial conglomerates as an innovative form of integration from different sectors of the world financial market. The authors reveal their features, advantages and risks. The goal of the paper is an empirical cross-country analysis of financial conglomerate identification by financial markets regulators. There is no common approach to such a consolidated entity as financial conglomerate among both researchers and regulators. The blurring of the dividing lines between financial sectors is of great importance too. The development of a conceptual apparatus, the theory and analysis of a financial conglomerate has become of considerable importance.



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