International Scientific Conference „Business and Management“, 10th International Scientific Conference „Business and Management 2018“

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Employer branding through social media: the case of largest Polish companies
Kalina Grzesiuk, Monika Wawer

Last modified: 2018-09-14


The main purpose of this article is to evaluate the current state of network communication channels in an organization and to propose recommendations for their development as a part of external employer’s brand-building strategy by an example of selected Polish enterprises. This paper reviews the social network tools used thus far by the 100 Largest Polish Private Companies listed in 2017 Forbes Magazine report. The analysis involves not only their Internet presence and the way these enterprises are presented but also the level of interactivity of their activities in selected social media (e.g. Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter). The results show that most of the companies examined have not adopted a systematic approach to the employer branding practices they use. Therefore, a conclusion might be drawn that, although these enterprises are present in the social media networks, and they use various external communication channels in order to reach their stakeholders, they still fail to adopt a strategic orientation in developing their activities.



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