International Scientific Conference „Business and Management“, 10th International Scientific Conference „Business and Management 2018“

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Disruption management and the orchestration of dynamic capabilities: seeking dynamic smart disruptor profile
Jari Kaivo-oja, Theresa Lauraéus

Last modified: 2018-09-14


The purpose of the study is to investigate and elaborate the dynamic capabilities needed to manage disruptive business. This paper is a conceptual paper. Firstly, authors present key concept of technological disruption, which is highly relevant for modern corporate foresight. Nowadays, in the market conditions of corporate foresight, VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) approach has a significant role. Secondly, the rigor of this paper is to combine scientific discussion of technological disruption with the VUCA approach and dynamic capabilities of smart disruptor. The special focus of this article is the challenges of orchestration of dynamic capabilities in the special conditions of VUCA business environment and disruptive competition. The method/design of this study is a conceptual paper. The results: We evaluate the role of competence gaps identification inside a firm: The technology gaps, market gaps and business model gaps in modern business leadership. Our principal conclusion is to present tools to manage the dynamic capabilities in the VUCA and in the disruptive business environment. Further, we will present the pleminary definition of the smart disruptor.



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